Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend Review

Friday morning I got up early to be at the hospital to see Nannie Cain before going back, while there got a call from Adam who was on his way to Brookwood with Kidney Stones or Uric Acid (SP?) stones not sure which, got home around 2 just in time to get the kids!

Saturday Pawpaw B came and got both kids and took them until 6ish that afternoon, it was nice! We stayed home until around 2 and went shopping for our first coupon experience with Publixs, we saved $14.00 which is pretty good, we also spent around $130 and $50 at DG so we saved $20 just by not going to Wal-mart cause we usually spend around 200$ a week there.

Sunday mid morning I rode with Dad to see Nannie at the hospital and stayed there until around 6ish. She is doing good and may get to come home Wednesday!  Its been an eventful but uneventful weekend. No pics.

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